Allowance for Insolvent
implementing ministry / daptarasamajakalyana Ministry, Social Welfare Department of the fiscal year, the program goals and objectives bachara200506 1. Promise to meet the constitutional and legal rights of persons with disabilities; ii. Poor socio-economic development of people with disabilities; 3. Bringing the social security scheme for destitute people with disabilities; 4. On specific policy choices made by the competent authorities to provide monthly allowances for disabled people; 5. Amatmarbhuktakarana the National Action Plan for persons with disabilities. Definition: 'disabled persons' rights and the protection of disabled persons, 013 of the type described in section 3 of any person pratibandhitasampanna; Candidate selection criteria: 1. Applicants with Disabilities Rights and Protection Act, 013 of the definition will be disabled; II. The applicant will have to consider the socio-economic conditions vary; 3. Allowances for elderly / old people with disabilities should be given priority; 4. Landless and homeless will receive priority in the receipt of disability allowance; 5. Women with disabilities should be a priority; 6. Multidimensional will give priority to persons with disabilities; 7. The new beneficiaries are more impoverished and relatively backward or remote areas nominee will give priority to 8. Poor treatment of the mentally / autistic retarded children (age relaxed) and the visually impaired persons should be a priority. Allowance recipient's qualifications and conditions: 1. Must be a permanent resident of the area; II. And protection of the rights of disabled persons, 013 of the Social Services office will accept registration and identity card. That persons with disabilities be permanent residents of the district will receive registration and identity; 3. Annual per capita income 36,000 (thirty-six thousand) people with disabilities who are not above the money; 4. Applicants must be disabled and destitute; 5. 6 (six) years, above all for the benefit of disabled persons should be taken into account; 6. To be selected by the committee. Allowance disqualification: 1. If a government employee or government employee is a pensioner; II. Otherwise the regular government funded; 3. Any non-governmental organization / social welfare organization, is a regular financial grantee.